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represent the ‘con’ side of the debate
代表反方发言  detail>>
 vt.  1.(用文章等)描述;(用绘画等)表现,描写,描画;象征;意指,表示,意味。 2.把…讲述为 (as); 声称自己是 (oneself as; to...  detail>>
represent as
把...描绘成  detail>>
 n.  讨论,争论,辩论。 the debates (议会的)讨论报告。 hold debate with oneself 独自考虑[盘算]。  v...  detail>>
debate on
充分地谈论  detail>>
debate with
与...进行辩论  detail>>
the debate
辩论  detail>>
debate debate
头晕目眩的  detail>>
be instructed to represent
奉命代表  detail>>
represent dynamically
动力模拟  detail>>
represent the class
代表全班  detail>>
represent to the court
向法官陈述  detail>>
the dreaemrs represent
梦想家们再次呈现了  detail>>
algebra of regular represent
正规表示的代数  detail>>
represent new life and growth
代表新生命和成长  detail>>
a spirited debate
热烈的辩论  detail>>
academic debate
学术争论  detail>>
adjournment debate
休会辩论  detail>>